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{Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

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  • #46
    Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

    Originally posted by Kuro View Post
    with the PLD you absolutly have to use..
    just wanted a good jumping off point: paladin is not critical for this fight.

    it is possible with ninja. 1/1 here too. (granted, the core of the group was my assault/salvage team so that makes a *big* difference)

    Ryda - nin/war Teneshi - drg/x(various subs) Jiumiu - pup(for 44) / smn(42)
    elphie - brd Seraphym - rdm/x(various subs) Amele - whm(me)

    after losing 4 times to AM42 gears/blu fight we cleared it with our pet strategy: 'just everybody solo one'. got up to 44.

    one of our members had done it before (and lost) and gave us some information about what the fight was like, so we weren't totally unprepared (we're all vets too, so pretty used to terror and breath-style weapons and aoe ranges etc.)

    our strategy in a nutshell:

    blu: first: magic, second: melee, third (not immune) go all out.
    mega: "he's got wyrm like attacks right? just treat it like a wyrm then".
    expected gospel of the lost spam under 15% so we were prepared to chainspell stun after the 5% Megafla*ahem* Divine Judgement.

    things we learned:
    blu's magic ignores shadows (even if it doesn't normally)
    mega is sound range aggro, but tractor works in this battlefield.
    he really is just like a wyrm.
    ninja works just fine but you have to gear for a 'real' fight (no AH 1250hp ninja will be able to walk in off the street and do it, some of the damage moves are too strong)

    first life: melee didn't attack, rdm and myself and the puppet on blm frame nuked while ninja reverse tanked spamming the elemental wheel; he's pretty weak the first time.. slept Azure lore - melee /attack on at 30% drop him while I rest some mp back.

    second life: pup puts his frame away, melee go all out - didn't sleep azure lore, Eyes on Me under 2hr puts 1400 damage on our ninja and he goes down (ryda's got a good hnm ninja setup, 1600hp, so it was entirely my fault^^: ) dragoon finishes this round tanking (about 25% left on the blu when Ryda went down)

    third life: slept this one for 4 minutes while the rest of ryda's weakened effect wore off. then we just beat it down, about as easy as the first one honestly, slept azure lore again to be safe.

    I rested mp and they stored tp on the first form.

    second form: he didn't seem to have a favorite move vs. us like others have seen, he did use terror quite a bit - at least as much as a wyrm does (at one point ryda was locked down for over a minute by multiple Void of Repentance) didn't use the Divine spear much (which isn't a single attack like the wiki might lead you to believe; it's a breath weapon.) until after ~50% hp. only used perfect defense twice, once was apparently magic (we weren't really nuking) once was ranged (we had none) but it wouldn't really have affected our strategy.

    like a low man wyrm fight we had people move out of range when their hp was low and wait for cures from the mages, pup switched to melee frame for this (blm puppet was getting weird resists, bug related we think since had had capped skill on the rdm puppet)

    first Divine Judgement we took without issue, everyone got out of range and the hit didn't kill our ninja, he put up ni I got a cure V on him (and rdm cure IV) and we were back up and running. I didn't get hit at 16.5' so aoe on this one is probably under 15'.

    second Divine Judgement has a larger aoe range (I hadn't moved and got hit this time) and it took down everyone but the bard who then got draw-in and killed. he had 2% left at this point. tractored people out, redmage started resting to get mp for chainspell nuke, we went once the ninja had full hp. mijin+1 thunder III ended the fight. (we got the five minute warning just before we did this)
    Grant me wings so I may fly;
    My restless soul is longing.
    No Pain remains no Feeling~
    Eternity Awaits.

